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Energy & U

Science & Engineering Extravaganza

The Energy & U is a National Science Foundation sponsored show that brings the excitement of Science and Engineering to a fully produced on-stage science extravaganza. The show has a running theme of interconverting different forms of energy, often in dramatic fashion, while emphasizing that you cannot create or destroy energy (the First Law of Thermodynamics) ONLY transform it. The STEM orientated show is tons of fun as it includes explosions, fire, races, gadgets and music that will get kids (and adults)  dancing!

Energy & U is directed by Jorge E. Vidal and is presented LIVE on stage and through television. The televised version of the Energy & U won a 2022 Lone Star Emmy award from the National Academy of Television, Arts & Sciences in the Instructional/Informational category. 

La Energia y Tu

Lone Star Emmy



Engineering Research

Promoting Research Activities

Jorge E. Vidal is committed to promoting engineering research activities for faculty and students. He has highlighted all the various research endeavors happening at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley College of Engineering & Computer Science through student highlight videos. 

With multiple centers such as the National Science Foundation Partnership for Research & Education in Materials Science, the Department of Transportation University Transportation for Railway Safety, the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Innovation and Cyber Systems and additional research endeavors, he has proven his versatility in adapting to different research environments and students of all backgrounds. 

Marques Who's Who

Honored Listee


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Engineering Highlights


Jorge E. Vidal has made significant contributions in showcasing engineering as fun.

By creating uplifting, energetic and exciting content around engineering, the community has taken note, helping make the College of Engineering & Computer Science the fastest growing college at UTRGV. 

Furthermore, the social media presence of college activities helped the university win the inaugural Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) STAR Institution of the Year award in 2023. 

SHPE STAR Institution of the Year


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Promoting Engineering to K-12

The Rio Grande Valley is a region that is 95% hispanic, however only 11% of engineers in the United States are hispanic. Therefore, outreaching to K-12 students is crucial in increasing hispanic representation in the engineering workforce. 

Jorge assists in bringing thousands of K-12 students to campus for the Energy & U show in addition to other outreach efforts. Furthermore, he creates audiovisual content to promote the outreach efforts happening on campus that will hopefully lead to increased enrollment and representation. 

UTRGV University

Team Excellence Award


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Video in Grant Applications 

& Evaluations

With the rise of Video-Based Funding Applications for Grant Proposals, the need for a specialist in audiovisual production at universities has been crucial. 

Jorge E. Vidal has assisted with preparing the video aspects of several grant proposals that have been awarded to various centers in the UTRGV College of Engineering & Computer Science. 

In addition, he has produced videos for the grant evaluations that include results and testimonials. 

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